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한국섬유산업연합회, 제18차 한국‧대만 섬유산업 연례회의 개최

역최대규모 한·대만 섬유패션 단체·기업인 84명 참가
공급망 재편, 디지털 전환, 지속가능성 등 양국 협력 방안 논의 

Taiwan-Korea Textile Industry Meeting
우측 : 한국섬유산업연합회 최병오 회장/ Taiwan-Korea Textile Industry Meeting

한국섬유산업연합회(회장 최병오, 이하 섬산련 www.kofoti.or.kr)대만섬유연맹(회장 꿔샤우이(郭紹儀) www.textiles.org.tw)은 4월 17~19일 부산 웨스턴 조선 호텔에서 양국업계 84명이 참여한 가운데 ‘제18차 한·대만 섬유산업 연례회의’를 개최했다. 

이번 연례회의는 양국 섬산련 회장이 작년 8월(최병오 회장), 9월(꿔샤우이 회장)에 각각 취임 후 처음으로 개최한 가운데 역대 최대규모인 84명의 주요 섬유패션기업 관계자들이 참석하여 뜨거운 관심 속에 진행되었다. 

Taiwan-Korea Textile Industry Meeting
한국섬유산업연합회 최병오 회장, Taiwan-Korea Textile Industry Meeting

회의에는 비와이앤블랙야크, 영원무역, 제이에스코퍼레이션, 패션그룹 형지, 효성티앤씨 등 국내 섬유패션기업 외에도 스튜디오랩, 앙트러 리얼리티 등 CES 2024 최고혁신상을 수상한 패션테크기업들이 참가했으며, 대만의 Lealea enterprise, New Wide Group, Tainan Enterprise 등 주요 스트림별 대표기업들 또한 참가했다. 

양측은 최근 글로벌 공급망 차질의 심화, 미·중 무역분쟁과 러시아-중동 지역의 지정학적 리스크, ESG 공시의 의무화 등 글로벌 섬유패션산업 이슈들에 대해 심도 있는 의견을 공유했다. 

Taiwan-Korea Textile Industry Meeting
대만섬유연맹 꿔샤우이(郭紹儀) 회장, Taiwan-Korea Textile Industry Meeting

섬산련 최병오 회장은 “한·대만 양국은 유래 없는 글로벌 시장환경 변화 속에서 인력난과 해외이전, 제품 차별화, 환경규제 등의 공통된 어려움을 겪고 있다”면서, “향후 대만 섬유산업 경쟁력 분석 및 기술 세미나 공동개최 등을 통해 양국간 실질적 협력방안을 확대해 나갈 것”이라고 밝혔다.

Taiwan-Korea Textile Industry Meeting

Taiwan-Korea Textile Industry Meeting

Taiwan-Korea Textile Industry Meeting

Taiwan-Korea Textile Industry Meeting

■ 피플게이트(PEOPLEGATE) 기사 게재 문의 : peoplegate1@gmail.com
■ Consultation and request for publication of PEOPLEGATE article: peoplegate1@gmail.com

The Korea Textile Industry Association holds the 18th Korea-Taiwan Textile Industry Annual Conference

84 Korean-Taiwanese textile and fashion organizations and entrepreneurs, the largest in history, participated and discussed ways to cooperate between the two countries, including supply chain reorganization, digital transformation, and sustainability. 

The Korea Textile Industry Association (Chairman Choi Byeong-oh, hereinafter referred to as Kofoti www.kofoti.or.kr) and the Taiwan Textile Federation (Chairman Kuo Shaui (郭紹儀)  www.textiles.org.tw ) held a meeting between the two countries at the Western Chosun Hotel in Busan from April 17th to 19th. The '18th Korea-Taiwan Textile Industry Annual Meeting' was held with 84 industry participants. 

This annual meeting was held for the first time since the two Korea Island Industries Chairman took office in August (Chairman Choi Byeong-oh) and September (Chairman Kuo Shaoui) of last year, respectively, and was held with great interest with the attendance of 84 officials from major textile and fashion companies, the largest ever meeting. It has been done. 

In addition to domestic textile and fashion companies such as BY & Black Yak, Youngone Trading, JS Corporation, Fashion Group Hyungji, and Hyosung T&C, fashion tech companies that won the CES 2024 Best Innovation Award such as Studio Lab and Entreur Reality participated in the meeting, and Taiwan's Lealea Representative companies from major streams such as enterprise, New Wide Group, and Tainan Enterprise also participated. 

The two sides shared in-depth opinions on issues in the global textile and fashion industry, including the recent deepening of global supply chain disruptions, the US-China trade dispute, geopolitical risks in the Russia-Middle East region, and mandatory ESG disclosure. 

“Both Korea and Taiwan are experiencing common difficulties such as manpower shortage, overseas relocation, product differentiation, and environmental regulations amid unprecedented changes in the global market environment,” said Choi Byeong-oh, chairman of the Taiwan Textile Industry. “We will jointly host a seminar on analysis and technology of Taiwan’s textile industry competitiveness in the future.” “We will expand practical cooperation measures between the two countries through this,” he said.

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