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BL Lashes, New Launch of Eyelash Extension Glue

Introducing Optimo Long-Lasting Lash Glue from BL Lashes, the renowned lash extension professional brand 

BL Lashes

Image: BL Lashes

BL Lashes, a brand specializing in eyelash extension industry, has taken a lead in expanding its new line of glue products, ensuring the safe usage of eyelash extension glue. 

BL Lashes has launched two Optimo long-lasting glues, expanding its existing Optimo Glue line. Optimo Long-Lasting Glue is a safe eyelash extension glue that has been tested for carcinogens and harmful substances by the Korea Testing & Research Institute (KTR) and has been confirmed to meet the safety standards by the Ministry of Environment, South Korea. 

Furthermore, the Optimo Long-Lasting Glue line has a 100% increase in usage time compared to the existing Optimo Glue Line, enhancing its economic viability and providing higher adhesion. 

The “Optimo Prime Glue” is presented in black color while “Optimo Clear Glue” has been introduced in transparent color. 

A representative from BL Lashes said, “We've noticed a growing demand from both customers and lash artists for safe eyelash extension glue, leading us to introduce Optimo Long Lasting Glue,"

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