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한국섬유산업연합회, 폐섬유 리사이클 기술개발 동향 세미나 성황리 개최 |
세미나는 TP그룹(舊태평양물산), 영원무역, 효성티앤씨, SK지오센트릭, 코오롱인더스트리 등 관련 기업, 대학, 연구기관 등 관계자 150여명이 참석하여 섬유패션 제품의 자원순환에 대한 뜨거운 관심을 보였다.
기후변화와 환경문제로 의류폐기물에 대한 규제가 EU를 중심으로 강화됨에 따라 “의류의 선순환”이라는 주제로 ‘국내외 폐섬유 리사이클 핵심기술 개발동향’과 ‘유럽의 폐섬유 리사이클 현황 및 폐의류의 자동 선별·분류 시스템’을 소개하는 순으로 진행되었다.
숭실대학교 신소재공학과 곽영제 교수는 섬유산업을 선순환 구조로 전환하기 위해서는 기존의 의류제품에 심미성, 편리성을 위해 부과하던 각종 가공기술을 덜어내고 다시 자연의 상태로 되돌릴 수 있는 소재 및 공정개발이 필요하다고 언급하였다.
벨기에 폐의류 자동·선별 분류 시스템 개발업체인 Valvan사 Dieter Wittouck(디터 위투크) 대표는 최근 유럽의 폐의류 규제 동향 및 의류 분류․선별에 따른 리사이클 기술에 대해 소개하고 AI를 활용한 데모키트를 통해 소재별 혼용률을 판별하는 시스템도 시연을 하였다.
그는 향후 3년 이내에는 EU의 지속가능․순환섬유 전략에 따른 에코디자인 규정(ESPR), 생산자책임재활용제도(EPR) 등 환경규제가 본격적으로 시행 될 것으로 예상된다며 폐의류 리사이클에 대한 한국업체들의 준비가 지금부터 필요하다고 강조하였다.
섬산련 관계자는 “폐의류 관련 규제가 섬유패션업계에 위기로 여겨질 수 있지만 선제적으로 대응한다면 또 다른 기회로도 작용할 수 있다”며“지난해 12월 출범한 지속가능한 순환경제 포럼(SCT)의 순환생태계 분과 활동의 일환으로 금번 세미나를 기획하였으며 정부 및 업계와 협력하여 지속가능 순환경제의 구심체 역할로 SCT 포럼을 지속 발전시켜 나가도록 하겠다”고 밝혔다.
Korea Textile Industry Association successfully holds a seminar on trends in technology development for waste fiber recycling
The Korea Federation of Textile Industries (Chairman Choi Byeong-oh, hereinafter referred to as Seomsanryeon www.kofoti.or.kr) held a “Waste Fiber Recycling Technology Development Trend” at the Textile Center on Tuesday, April 16 to support the transition to a sustainable circular economy in the textile and fashion industry. Seminar” was held.
The seminar was attended by about 150 people from related companies, universities, and research institutes, including TP Group (formerly Pacific C&T), Youngone Trading, Hyosung T&C, SK Geocentric, and Kolon Industries, showing keen interest in the resource circulation of textile and fashion products. .
As regulations on clothing waste have been strengthened around the EU due to climate change and environmental issues, the theme of “Virtuous Cycle of Clothing” includes ‘Domestic and international trends in the development of core technologies for waste fiber recycling’ and ‘Status of waste fiber recycling in Europe and automation of waste clothing.
It proceeded in the order of introducing the ‘selection and classification system’.
Professor Kwak Young-je of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Soongsil University said that in order to transform the textile industry into a virtuous cycle structure, it is necessary to develop materials and processes that can remove various processing technologies imposed on existing clothing products for aesthetics and convenience and return them to their natural state. mentioned.
Dieter Wittouck, CEO of Valvan, a Belgian developer of an automatic waste clothing sorting system, introduced the recent trends in Europe's waste clothing regulations and recycling technology for clothing sorting and sorting, and presented a demo kit using AI.
A system for determining the mixing ratio of each material was also demonstrated.
He said that it is expected that environmental regulations such as the Eco-Design Regulations (ESPR) and the Producer Responsibility Recycling System (EPR) will be implemented in earnest in accordance with the EU's sustainable and circular fiber strategy within the next three years, adding that Korean companies are preparing for waste clothing recycling. He emphasized that it is necessary from now on.
An official from Seomsanryeon said, “Regulations related to waste clothing may be considered a crisis for the textile and fashion industry, but if we respond preemptively, it can also serve as another opportunity.” He added, “The sustainable circular economy forum (SCT), which was launched in December last year, “We planned this seminar as part of the ecosystem division activities, and we will continue to develop the SCT Forum as a central force in the sustainable circular economy in cooperation with the government and industry.”
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