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Hansung F.I.'s 'ALLFORYOU' photo shoot of accessories worn by Parisian fashionistas released


[K-FASHION] 'ALLFORYOU' of Hansung FI (CEO Kim Young-cheol) proposes a variety of accessory lines with a Parisian sensibility. 

We present handbags and bags that can be coordinated in a variety of ways in spring, such as a shoulder bag that is easy to carry in a green knit, a Boston bag that has a sporty mood and is highly versatile, and a backpack that can be worn in various shapes. 

In addition, it is possible to create a Parisian style through mix and match coordination by combining a short safari jumper, a white jumper with a sporty mood, and a scarf with various patterns.







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Hansung F.I.'s 'ALLFORYOU' photo shoot of accessories worn by Parisian fashionistas released

한성에프아이 '올포유', 제5회 텍스타일 공모전 시상

한성에프아이(HANSUNG F.I) ‘올포유(ALLFORYOU)’, THANK YOU 아이템 제안

한성에프아이, '오닐(Oneill) X 서피비치(SURFYY BEACH)' 컬렉션 아트웍 티셔츠 선보인다

한성에프아이 '오닐(O’NEILL)', 양양 서피비치(YangYang Surfyy Beach)에 오닐 포토존 조성

한성에프아이 '올포유(ALLFORYOU)', 파크골프(PARK GOLF) 칠 때 입기 좋은 아이템 제안

오닐(O’Neill) 영등포 타임스퀘어 컨셉 스토어 오픈, 고객 접점 높인다

오닐(O’Neill), 부산 지역 점령 나선다

한성에프아이(HANSUNG F.I.)‘올포유(ALLFORYOU)’로 전하세요~ THANK YOU 아이템 제안

한성에프아이 '올포유(ALL FOR YOU)', 김소연, 이상우 부부와 함께한 여름 컬렉션 공개

한성에프아이 '오닐(ONEILL)', 썸머 래쉬가드 컬렉션 공개

■ 피플게이트(PEOPLEGATE) 기사 게재 상담 및 요청 : peoplegate1@gmail.com
■ Consultation and request for publication of PEOPLEGATE article: peoplegate1@gmail.com

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