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Image provided by LMC

Street casual brand ‘LMC (LOST MANAGEMENT CITIES)’
opened a store on the 2nd floor of Hyundai Department Store Seoul Creative Ground on April 25th. 

LMC’s signature bear character T-shirts, which are only available at the Hyundai Department Store Seoul store, are being released in an exclusive limited-quantity colorway, and LMC X G-SHOCK collaboration products, which were recently released to much fanfare, are being exclusively released. 

In celebration of the opening, there are various events and gifts prepared, including a discount event on all items, a limited-time first-come-first-served gift, a Super73 collaboration bike drawing, a reusable bag, and a panda bear keychain. 

The LMC store offers a variety of unique promotions and early releases of collaboration items every month. It is a space that you must visit when you visit Hyundai Department Store Seoul, as you can receive gifts by participating in events as well as various products. 

Image provided by LMC

Image provided by LMC

Image provided by LMC

* LMC Hyundai Department Store Seoul Store Information 
108 Yeouido-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, B2 B2F, 108, YEOUI-DAERO, YEONGDEUNGPO-GU, SEOUL 

Weekdays (Mon-Wed) | 10:30 ~ 20:00 
Weekends (Fri-Sun) | 10:30 ~ 20:30 LMC 

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