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Singer-Songwriter SAAY to Hold First Solo Concert in Busan, ‘SAAY’S HOMECOMING’ (Hosted by Union Pictures)

Singer-songwriter SAAY will be holding her first solo concert, "SAAY'S HOMECOMING", in Busan on November 17, as announced by Union Pictures. 

SAAY,Union Pictures, 쎄이, 유니온픽처스,
Singer-Songwriter SAAY to Hold First Solo Concert in Busan, ‘SAAY’S HOMECOMING’

This concert marks a significant milestone in her musical journey, as it will be her first solo performance in her hometown of Busan, creating a special connection with her fans. 

SAAY, known for her unique music style based on R&B and hip-hop, has gained recognition for her outstanding vocal abilities. 

Since her debut, she has crossed various musical genres, showcasing a diverse array of songs. She is also highly regarded for her skills as a producer. 

Beloved by many fans both domestically and internationally for her original sound and captivating stage performances, she plans to demonstrate her mature musical capabilities through this upcoming concert. 

The performance will feature not only tracks from her full-length album but also fan-favorite songs from previous releases. 

The concert promises a special program that highlights SAAY's unique musical flair, offering fans a deeper level of interaction beyond just watching the performance. 

In particular, exclusive concert merchandise will be available, adding a visual experience to complement her musical world, enhancing the significance of her first solo show in Busan. 

Fans will leave with special souvenirs, making the concert an unforgettable memory beyond just a live performance. 

SAAY shared, "I'm excited and thrilled to hold my first solo concert in my hometown of Busan. I've been preparing a lot to share a special time with my fans, so please look forward to it." 

The 2024 SAAY Busan First Solo Concert, "SAAY’S HOMECOMING," will take place on Sunday, November 17 at 6 PM at K&G Sangsang Madang in Busan. 

VIP pre-sale tickets will be available starting Friday, October 11 at 12 PM via DEEPI, while general ticket sales will open on Friday, October 18 at 12 PM through Melon Tickets. 

■ 피플게이트는 패션 뷰티 라이프스타일 콘텐츠 미디어 입니다. 
■ 피플게이트 게재 문의 / 업무제휴 상담 : peoplegate1@gmail.com

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